Something's Brewing

Jesus told the woman at the well that he would give her "living water;" all she had to do was ask. That's the point of Church.... to dispense living water... the eternal kind. Church is not just to get something that satisfies for a little while, but to meet Jesus and drink-in the living spiritual water that will satisfy our soul.

Living water, as you might imagine, is not polluted, but fresh and pure, clean and satisfying. It is flowing and life-giving, so full of life in fact that it wells up to eternal life. Jesus, the Redeemer, Lamb and King, claimed it is this way. It's a little ironic, isn't it that every living thing needs water, meanwhile in the beverage world there are drinks of many kinds.

Take coffee. Coffee is an acquired taste. Kids, for example don't usually like it unless of course it is dressed up with cream and sugar. Don't get me wrong, even I like a little coffee now and then. I have a cup of coffee sometimes at home and sometimes I drink the stuff at church with friends, but honestly, if it weren't for the cream and sugar that make my coffee just the way I like it, I would probably leave that bitter black stuff alone. It is funny how we take perfectly good water... add something we think we have invented ourselves, (picked, dried and roasted, ground up coffee beans) and we then turn the water into a bitter black drink instead. But this story is not about coffee. However it is about the quest for truth and this living water in a world full of adulterated religion.

Enter a fictional man, the hero of our story, Evan.

One day, Evan awakens to the surprising realization that a strange spiritual brew is being perculated and served up technologically to the world around him by the media. He is amazed that the newsman insists that this strange religious brew is the perfect solution to save the world.

Evan, is no fool. at the ripe old age of 42, he has tasted a lot of religions before, and honestly, he never liked any of them. Besides, he has his own religion, his own way of looking at "life, the universe and everything," and this one that now promises to make all individual dreams a reality and bring lasting peace to planet earth once and for all, is by far the most bizarre mixture of economics, politics and religion he has ever seen! Fool or not, he is glued to the breaking news, watching, as is the rest of humanity.

Evan watches as the news unfolds of a new world leader and the news report declares that the earth is about to spin out of orbital control. He is told that every person, great or small must not only believe the perplexing concoction served up by the man on the screen, but receive the electrical impulse sent over the airwaves and take a collective quantum leap of faith together with the rest of the world if they are to save the dying planet. To Evan's utter dismay, those who fail to do so at just the right moment of earth's new transformation will die.

So reader, pour yourself a cool tall glass of clear, refreshing water, or if you prefer, have another beverage, even coffee... served anyway you. Bur beware! You might discover that Evan's fictional world is a lot like your own... and that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.


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